A project data (log) book is your most treasured piece
of work. Accurate and detailed notes make a logical
and winning project. Good notes show consistency and
thoroughness to the judges and will help you when writing
your research paper. Data tables are also helpful.
They may be a little ‘messy’ but be sure the quantitative
data recorded is accurate and that units are included
in the data tables. Make sure you date each entry.
A research paper should be prepared and available
along with the project data book and any necessary
forms or relevant written materials. A research paper
helps organize data as well as your thoughts.
A formal paper is always written in the third person.
A good research paper includes the following sections:
The title page and the table of contents allow the reader to follow the organization of the paper quickly and easily.
The introduction sets the scene for your report. The introduction
includes the purpose, your hypothesis, problem or engineering goals and what you
hoped to achieve.
Describe in detail the methodology you used to collect
data, make observations, design apparatus, etc. Your research paper should be
detailed enough so that someone would be able to repeat the experiment from the
information in your paper. Include detailed photographs or drawings of
self-designed equipment. Only include this year’s work.
The results include data and analysis. This should include statistics,
graphs, pages with your raw collected data, etc.
This is the essence of your paper. What patterns did you observe as a
result of your experiment? Compare your results with theoretical values, published
data, commonly held beliefs and/or expected results. Include a discussion of
possible errors. How did the data vary between repeated observations of similar
events? How were your results affected by uncontrolled events? What would you
do differently if you repeated this project? What other experiments should be
Briefly summarize your results. State your findings as the
relationship of one variable with the other. Support those statements with empirical
data (one average compared to the other average, for example). Be specific and do
not generalize. Never introduce anything in the conclusion that has not already
been discussed. Also mention practical applications. You should always credit
those who have assisted you, including individuals, businesses and educational or
research institutions. However, acknowledgments listed on a project display
board are a violation of SCSF display rules and must be removed.
Research Paper must include a Bibliography.
Be sure to proof read your paper carefully before submitting it. Spell
Check and Grammar Check do not always find the errors.
After finishing your research and experimentation,
you need to write an abstract. The abstract needs
to be a maximum of 250 words on one page.
An abstract should include the a) purpose of the experiment,
b) procedures used, c) the data and your conclusions.
It also may include any possible research applications.
Only minimal reference to previous work may be included.
The abstract must focus on work done in
the current year and should not include a) acknowledgments or
b) work or procedures done by a mentor.
You want your display board to both attract and inform.
Make it easy for interested spectators and judges
to assess your study and the results you have obtained.
You want to “catch the eye” of the judges and convince
them that your research is of sufficient quality to
deserve their closer scrutiny. Most displays boards
have three sections and are free standing. For the most
part, the displays are put on a table. Most judges get
a chance to look at your display board before the interviews.
Make the most of your space using clear and concise displays.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression!
Please be sure to reference the Display and Safety Rules
in the International Rules and Guidelines; this information
is also available on the Society for Science & the Public
website at societyforscience.org
a) CURRENT YEAR: Make sure your display reflects your current year’s work only.
Prior year’s data books are permitted at your project.
b) CREATE A GOOD TITLE: Your title is an extremely important attention-grabber. A good
title should simply and accurately present your research and depict the nature of the
project. The title should make the casual observer and especially the judges to want to
know more.
c) TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS: Many projects involve elements that may not be safely exhibited
at the Science Fair, but are an important part of the project. You might want to take
photographs of important parts/phases of your experiment to use in your display.
Credit must be given for all photographs. Do not use photos showing faces at
your local fair.
d). BE ORGANIZED: Make sure your display follows a sequence and is logically presented
and easy to read. Reach out to the “skim-reader”. A glance should permit anyone
(particularly the judges) to locate quickly the title, abstract, experiments, results and
conclusions. When you arrange your display, imagine that you are seeing it for the
very first time. Highlight your results using key graphs that show the relationships of
two variables tested. Use the graphs to give a “picture” of the data for your
viewers. These graphs will provide an easier method of viewing the data rather that
just seeing the recorded quantitative data.
e) EYE-CATCHING: Make your display stand out. Use neat, colorful headings, charts and
graphs to present your project. Pay special attention to the labeling or graphs, charts,
diagrams, photographs, and tables to ensure that each has a title and appropriate label
describing what is being demonstrated.
f) CORRECTLY PRESENTED AND WELL-CONSTRUCTED: Be sure to adhere to the size limitations
and safety rules when preparing your display. Display all required forms for your
project. Make sure your display is sturdy and all of the materials on the display board
are properly secured, as it will need to remain intact for quite a while. Note: Water
based glues can cause printer ink to run. Keep your materials light, but strong.
Double Check to be sure there is no spelling or grammar errors on your
display board.
Please Note:
The judges are judging your research, not the display.
So don’t spend an excessive amount of time or money on the display board.
You are being judged on your science not the show!